Paynesville – Sunday 24th November 2024 – Bible Society visit
Friends of Paynesville UC Faith Community enjoyed the presentation given by Church & Community Relations Team Leader for The Bible Society, Mr. David Lepore on Sunday last. It was a very edifying message with a quick shot of round the world infiltrations by the Bible Society where Bibles are increasingly written in ‘heart’ language for local people to better understand and appreciate the Bible. But it was gratifying to hear that the Bible Society work closely with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in developing audio Bibles, theirs being a largely oral culture in many areas and so the people readily engage with audio content in a way which non-indigenous cultures sometimes do not appreciate. The Bible Society aims to assist A & TSI’s by publishing indigenous language Bibles as soon as translations are complete. They plan to publish a Pitjantjatjara Children’s Art Bible late this year, Pitjantjatjara language being one of the indigenous languages already publish with the Bible Society.

David told us that the Bible Society is the oldest organization in Australia (next to Westpac which was formerly Bank of NSW), when it was established in Sydney in 1817. Paynesville UC plans to make a significant donation to Bible Society after considering their published project prospectus which lays out goals in countries around the world, for the publishing and distribution of Bibles.
Paynesville update
This is an event evaluation as a result of the visit by Sophie Thomson ABC Gardening Guru personality, held at Paynesville UC Faith Community last September.
We managed to lift the status quo on the day in relation to ‘water wise tips’ and ongoing knowledge – a very pleasing result.
And now we prepare to ‘turn the first sod’ for our Community Garden next week, in preparation for installation of our wicking beds.
Many in the community have already made inquiries as to how they can be a part of our community gardening group where vegetables and herbs will be grown for use by the Foodbank group, as well as for the more vulnerable folk within our strongly bonded community.
Watch this space!
Johnsonville – Bairnsdale 17 November2024
Jenny Arms and Wendy Flahive used a cruise stopover to introduce birthing kits to Vanuatu contacts.
Renata Netaf is a community leader with the local council and Bible Society in the busy community of Luganville, Vanuatu. She was happy to receive a birthing kit as a gift from East Gippsland. She hopes to give free kits to women where she travels throughout the archipelago to teach about the benefits of having a safer birth wherever pregnant women may travel by carrying a birthing kit to help prevent cross infection . Renata travels widely with her work. The small birthing kits can save the lives of women, babies and midwives in developing countries, especially in the more remote outer islands; by the prevention of cross infection.

It was explained that she could apply for a grant from the Birthing Kit Foundation of Australia and receive 200 kits free of charge if her grant is successful and the organisation become a partner for 3 years with the Birthing Kit Foundation. After a successful pilot project she can apply for many more kits and the project becomes sustainable. Renata thanks the generous donors in Bairnsdale and district for introducing this amazingly simple product to help her community. Check out the website www to find out what is in these amazing kits and contact Peter Flahive 0418516322 for more information and donate towards this initiative and on how you can help Renata achieve her goal of every women in Vanuatu having a safer and clean birth.
Paynesville 11 November 2024
Remembrance Day 2024 saw members of the Paynesville UC Faith Community present a wreath on behalf of the Church, along with volunteers from the Friendship Shed. Mona Tucker and Stuart McDonald, two nonagenarians, represented the Church, whilst Lauren Sweetman, Day Supervisor and Helen Gwynn, Treasurer, represented the Friendship Shed. Some 200 locals turned out to take part in, and support the service, together with the 13th Gippsland Light Horse Ceremonial Troop. Concluding the service and after the National Anthem, Marilyn Cassidy, leader at Paynesville UC Faith Community, invited them to join with her as a community, in prayer.A large spread of refreshments was offered inside the Hall of the RSL at the conclusion of the service.
Stuart & Mona
13th Gippsland Light Horse Troop

Marilyn leads the prayers
Bairnsdale 20th October 2024
Bairnsdale congregation welcomed Geoff and Lynice Wigney on 20th November. This couple are no strangers to us having been part of the community through their shop “Empower International” in Bairnsdale some years ago. This was a fair trade, Christian, non-profit organization selling handmade items made by the women men and girls living in the remote areas of disadvantaged countries such as Thailand and Mongolia. The income raised by these sales contributed by providing a better life freeing them from the very real possibility of human trafficking.

In northern Thailand a safehouse named Clear Skies House, was established in 2011. This is fully credited by the Thai government as a safehouse for 20 vulnerable 7–16-year-old girls found to be abused or at risk of exploitation. In this safehouse they are kept safe, happy, educated, do sport, singing, a myriad of activities enjoyed by children of this age. Within this loving environment they learn about Jesus. Thriving in the safehouse, surrounded by love, hope and support and, if conditions have improved at home, they return to their family. Care is taken to monitor them after their return to ensure they remain safe, thriving and happy. As Christians themselves the staff encourage the girls to study and learn more about Jesus.
In an effort to alleviate abuse and exploitation, the trained staff provide support for families in crisis with safe parenting programs.

Another program run by Empower is in Mongolia for 20–30-year-olds. A large building provides a workshop where manual skills are developed with room for sporting activities and church services. Money raised from the sale of items made goes to support the families bringing self-respect and buying more materials to continue their work. A table with a selection of Fair Trade handmade items proved popular both for their artistry and the knowledge that the proceeds are returned into the funds required for this amazing organization to continue.
Paynesville 13th October 2024
On Sunday, 13th October, the folk at Paynesville UC Faith Community had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. James Wait to their service. James is finishing a two-year ministry traineeship at Bairnsdale Presbyterian Church and an Advanced diploma of theology at Reformed Theological College. He spoke of his plans to join OM – Operation Mobilisation in January 2025, when he will volunteer on the ‘MV Logos Hope’ ship, spending two years touring around South America and stopping at many ports.

The ship is crewed by a diverse Christian group who proclaim the Gospel at the various ports of call, as well as offering reading matter and health assistance and support. Most parts of the world lack the opportunity to hear the Gospel message, and so James feels strongly that he is called by God to undertake mission in this way, despite never having been on an ocean-going vessel before, and knowing that he will have to live with ‘sea legs’ for two years.

James hopes to work in internet technology once aboard, but is also prepared to work where needed and as required, depending upon their needs as they tour. He also shared his interpretation of Philippians 2: 1-11 in imitating Christ’s humility, which is close to James’s heart as we found when he joined us for lunch after the service and we had the chance to get to know him better. We offer James our blessing as he takes on this new exciting initiative in expressing mission in another part of the world.
Bairnsdale 13th October 2024

Members of the Bairnsdale congregation recently had a Fellowship Trip to Buchan. They visited the Buchan Racecourse and Golf Course, then went on to the Limestone Cliffs near the Buchan Caves. They also visited historic places in town and were treated to a talk on the history of the Anglican Church which is near the John Flynn Memorial. Some of the group walked on the swing bridge over the Buchan River before lunch at the Caves Hotel.

Bairnsdale 6th October 2024
Our guest preacher was Rev Alistair Macrae, former Moderator of the Uniting Church. His theme was “What would St Francis Say and Do?” Readings were Psalm 8 and Mark 6:24-34.
Paynesville Community Day Saturday 5th October 2024
Paynesville Community Day was celebrated on Saturday 5th October in the car park behind the library and business centre, and in the Community Hall as well as displays across the road in the Yacht Club carpark. Paynesville UC Faith Community had a marquee (thanks for Bairnsdale UCA for the loan of the trailer) where we offered free tea, coffee, fruit platter, cordial, children’s enjoyment area, balloon giveaways, and seats for those needing a rest. Whilst the Day was officially set to commence at 10.00am, business was well underway at 9.00am with Lions Club offering free sausage sizzle next to our marquee, after which many came to us for refreshments, and often a rest in the chairs and shade we provided. The Community Hall had many stalls/tables set up for display and contact by the various clubs/ groups in the area ie Friends of Paynesville Library, Landcare, Police, Coast Guard, CFA, The Abbey of St. Barnabus, Bendigo Bank, quilting group, climate group and so forth. Face painting for the young ones was evident and virtual reality headset games were available for youth. The weather was glorious all morning, but when Pepper Pig, Bluey and Kenny the Koala arrived, it was pandemonium for the little ones…..and some of the older ones too! Our Church also gave out cards advertising our Church times and Friendship Shed times, along with contact details. A very worthwhile opportunity to chat with members of the community, with quite a few asking when our community garden will commence. This will be our next step toward permanent community engagement. We look forward to being a vital part of Paynesville Community Day next year.
Marilyn C. Cassidy, Leader.
working hard in the marquee Sue Harrison, Kenny Koala & Marilyn Cassidy Sue helping out Peppa beautiful day at Paynesville
Bairnsdale Sunday 29th September 2024
Bairnsdale Uniting Church is having an interesting time being led on Sundays by our lay preachers and visiting clergy. This week (29 Sept) Rev Ann Scull was the visiting preacher. Ann was formerly a minister appointed to the congregation so was able to catch with old friends.

Next Sunday we will welcome Rev Alistair Macrae. Alistair is a former Moderator of Synod and is a significant leader in the wider Uniting Church. Holy Communion will be celebrated at this service.Our church and community events are still happening at the church each week. Our successfulIntergenerational service called Messy Church is held monthly and is well attended. Church @ 5 is also a monthly event where we meet informally in a home to watch a video followed by a discussion and prayers. A meal always accompanies this evening.
Earlier in September, Christopher Trikilis, a well-regarded Australian organist, played at a concert presented by our church’s Pipe Organ and Musical Events Group, POMEG. Chris was returning to play again our wonderful old pipe organ.

Paynesville Sunday 8th September 2024 – Camp Coolamatong Visit
On Sunday, 8 September, Paynesville UC Faith Community were treated to a visit by members of Camp Coolamatong interns. Their director, Mr. Chris Kynoch, assisted in the worship service, and one of the young folk told us of their commitment to our Lord. Another showed us slides of their recent trip to Northern Territory, where they met with youth and young children from Aboriginal communities, who welcomed them to their area, and enjoyed playing games, sports and hearing and reading of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It was wonderful to hear their stories of engaging in prayer with the youth, and how several decided to give their lives to God.
After the service, everyone enjoyed a sumptuous lunch together, and renewed previous acquaintances.

Paynesville welcomes ABC Gardening 6 September 2024
On Friday morning, 6th September, Paynesville UC Faith Community had the pleasure of hosting Sophie Thomson of ABC Gardening Australia, together with representatives of Water Sustainability, Farmers Finance & Well Being, plus Landcare representatives, and Paynesville Neighbourhood Centre. The planned talk on being water wise in the garden was booked out within 10 days of the brochure being produced. Over 70 people from the Paynesville Community and surrounds enjoyed Sophie’s exciting talk on keeping areas of your garden cool, as well as soil maintenance.

Her talk was continually spiced with humour, but she told of her passion for community gardens and associated experiences of how it brings folk together from many walks of life. Her story about Kangaroo Island in South Australia and Mallacoota in Victoria were examples of her ability to encourage and assist people who had lost their belongings and homes as a consequence of the bushfires.
Paynesville UC hope to commence their Community Garden soon in partnership with Paynesville Neighbourhood Centre, and after this was announced by Sophie, many folk sought to be a part of its development and ongoing expansion, knowing that the clients of Foodbank, Tuesday Community lunch, and some of the more vulnerable within our community will reap the benefit.

Paynesville 25August 2024 – Rev Joedy Meers visit
Paynesville UC Faith Community welcomed Rev. Joedy Meers to their service on Sunday. Joedy was joined by her carer assistant who drove her from Traralgon, and a close friend.
Joedy shared her life testimony with the congregation, which was dotted with humour and brought laughs, but also with great sadness, which caused some to shed a tear.
The congregation later stated that they enjoyed her refreshing approach and candour, and hope to have her return in the future.
Joedy conducted Holy Communion and was ably assisted by Deb Bye when required. We thank Joedy for making herself available to join the Paynesville people in worship.
picture – Marilyn Cassidy with Joedy after a lovely lunch on the Paynesville esplanade.
Marilyn Cassidy with Joedy after a lovely lunch on the Paynesville esplanade.
PAYNESVILLE 14 July 2024 – AA Visit
Paynesville Church has hosted AA in their Hall & Foyer since the 1950’s and are pleased that they can continue to offer a safe, welcoming venue for folk seeking help to fight and manage this incurable disease.
The folk at Paynesville UC Faith Community welcome Mr. Bruce Mackay, convenor of Alcoholics Anonymous in Paynesville. Bruce told of his life experiences of living and working as an alcoholic, and coping with the change to sobriety. He has been sober for some 35 years now, and showed books which helped him to understand this disease, as well as books offering daily supportive quotations and meditations.
After questions from the congregation, Leader, Marilyn Cassidy, thanked Bruce for his honesty, candour and preparedness to give his testimony to the worshippers.

JOHNSONVILLE – Report from Solomon Islands 30June 2024
Everything going well here in the Solomon Islands and great to see our daughter and son in law again.
Wendy Hickie is the President of the United Church Women’s Fellowship in the Solomon Islands and is keen to access kits for pregnant women and girls in her community and across the country. Bairnsdale Paynesville and Johnsonville UC have been instrumental in fundraising and getting 200 kits to the Western Province.

Teenage pregnancy is the highest in the Solomon Islands in the Western Province where Wendy lives. She is a leader in the Girls Brigade and can take kits across the country as part of her duties and very keen to access more kits for the remote communities where she visits.
Most of the 200 kits funded for last year have been given to the Central Referral Hospital in Honiara and the Helena Goldie Hospital in Munda so more fund raising for next year for when we visit for the United Church – submitted by Wendy Flahive, Johnsonville
PAYNESVILLE – Farewell Rev Deacon Peter Harvey 23June2024
Paynesville UC Faith Community bid farewell to Rev. Deacon Peter Harvey on Sunday 23 June and Leader, Marilyn Cassidy, thanked him for the services he had undertaken at Paynesville during his 3 year placement as Bushfire Relief Chaplain. She also thanked him on behalf of the many folk in East Gippsland who had been on the receiving end of Peter’s physical assistance in clearing and repairing land and property, and for ‘coming alongside’ people, and listening to their stories of sadness and hardship.

Deb Bye, Gippsland Presbytery Missional Support Resource Minister, thanked Peter on behalf of the Presbytery, and recalled the difficult time Peter had in commencing his placement during covid, coming from NSW to Victoria when travel restrictions were in place, finding a property to live in, and generally ‘inserting’ himself into the vast East Gippsland populace and getting to know the various congregations and their members, but also offering reassurance and support to so many folk in need after the devastating bushfires, which came at the end of a 4 year drought.
Gippsland Presbytery and the East Gippsland congregation wish Peter well for the future. Wherever the Lord might send him for his next placement, we know he will rapidly recognize need and answer the call to assist wherever he is placed. Go well Peter!
PAYNESVILLE – Rev Rosalie Rayment-Hewitt farewell – 28April 2024
Sunday 28th April was a special day for Paynesville UC Faith Community when they came together to farewell Rev. Rosalie Rayment-Hewitt at her final service in this lakeside town. At the conclusion of the service, Leader, Marilyn Cassidy, presented Rosalie with a specially commissioned oil painting by local artist, Dawn Stubbs, of Paynesville beach near the yacht club.

She was also presented with a gold framed photo of a ‘congregation selfie’ with she and John Hewitt front & centre, so that she might remember the folk of the congregation. John was presented with a large box of Lindt chocolates titled “irresistibly smooth”, which so depicted the very amiable man that John is.

Rosalie was invited to say grace after which a catered lunch was enjoyed by everyone.
The Paynesville UC Faith Community congregation have been very appreciative of Rosalie’s preparedness to undertake services every second month, and all wished her well in her retirement back to Carnegie in Melbourne.

Paynesville Uniting Church Faith Community enjoyed a special service on Sunday 14th April, when worship was led by the interns from Camp Coolamatong.
This is a Scripture Union camp with young people from all over the world committing to a year’s internship, and sometimes extending their stay for a further year, due to the enjoyment, fellowship and fun.
There were a few Australians, 2 from India, 2 from Fiji and a German girl. They delivered a sensitive service sharing a little of their stories with the congregation, as well as leading the singing.

They joined in with morning tea prior to the service, followed by a wonderful lunch at the conclusion.

Sally-Anne Henderson, Field Development officer with Scripture Union Australia also attended, along with Jack Andrewartha, Chaplain at Eagle Point Primary School, who will return to do a service at Paynesville in June.
Chris Kynoch, Director at Camp Coolamatong, is the son of Rev. Keith Kynoch, with whom Marilyn Cassidy had previously worked with during Bairnsdale UC placement vacancy. Paynesville looks forward to hosting the interns later in the year when they will return to tell them of their time in Northern Territory, working with Aboriginal Christians.

Friends, special guests and church family gathered at Paynesville Uniting Church earlier this month to celebrate 20 years of operation for the PUC Friendship Shed.
A Service of Thanksgiving was held at Paynesville Uniting Church Faith Community on the 11th February to commemorate 20 years since the Friendship Shed opened in January 2004. Rev. Rosalie Rayment-Hewitt officiated at the service, followed by a speech given by the Friendship Shed Convenor, Marilyn Cassidy.
The prime aim of the Friendship Shed was initially to be part of the Community by operating an Opportunity Shop selling second hand goods, donated by the community, at a reasonable cost then giving back to the community money raised in the way of donations.
In June last year, this community outreach expanded to include the operation of the Paynesville Neighbourhood Centre Foodbank.
Twenty-Two years ago, the idea of a Friendship Shed was raised at a church council meeting and after a lot of hard work and investigating various options, a new shed was erected on the Uniting Church land.
The Friendship Shed was officially opened on 24th January 2004. Rev. Trevor Bassett was Master of Ceremonies at the opening ceremony, and Rev. Ann Key cut the ribbon. Jenny Preston organized the La Viva Voce choir to entertain the crowd when the guests all retired to the hall for afternoon tea. Jenny was one of the original committee members, and made the trip from Traralgon for the 20th Anniversary. She enjoyed catching up with many of the past volunteers.
The anniversary service was followed by a delicious catered lunch, after which past volunteers and members were invited to a walkthrough of the Friendship Shed to bring them up to date with the growth and layout of the facility.
Paynesville Uniting Church Friendship Shed has donated many thousands of dollars to the local and wider community, and overseas charities over the past 20 years, including Bairnsdale Hospital, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Angel Flight, CFA, Coast Guard and many, many more. Marilyn stated that the church members and volunteers are to be congratulated for their caring, diligence, and their preparedness to serve the community.
In closing, Marilyn pointed out that the Friendship Shed also assists in the support of the Paynesville Foodbank held within the Church Hall, which draws many people each week in need of food & services.
Donations for the Friendship Shed and/or Furniture Shed are welcomed on their trading days which are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings at 43-45 Langford Parade, Paynesville.

Paynesville 11 November 2023
On Saturday 11th November, Remembrance Day, some members of the Paynesville UC Faith Community along with some 300 local community members gathered to commemorate this sacred day.
Long serving member of Paynesville UC, Mona Tucker, joined with her daughter Jo-anne Mee, popular local identity, to place a wreath on behalf of the Church, while Lauren Sweetman together with Helen Gwynn laid a wreath on behalf of the Op Shop.
Leader of the Paynesville UC, Marilyn Cassidy, was Service Padre, and at conclusion of the Ode and the Rouse, RSL President, Jack Peterson, invited Marilyn to pray on behalf of the community, lamenting the loss of so many men and women.
Armistice Day acknowledgement was further supported by the arrival of the 13th Gippsland Light Horse Ceremonial Troop, which behaved superbly under 30 degree, strong winds and a good deal of traffic activity.
The service was followed by morning tea in the RSL rooms and plenty of fellowship.

Paynesville – many blessings 22nd October 2023
The Communion cloth at Paynesville required washing and Marilyn Cassidy quietly commented to Sue Harrison that it may not last through a machine wash due to several previous repairs and darns and that we had better start thinking about a new Communion cloth. Lo and behold, 2 weeks later, a recent new member to the Church, Mrs. Sue White, asked if we would like a tablecloth which was given to her grandmother upon her wedding day – and rarely been used. Sue & Marilyn immediately saw this as a gesture from the Holy Spirit, and part of the ongoing reinvigoration of our Faith Community.
Further, as members of the Presbytery property Committee, Marilyn and Resource Minister Deb Bye were visiting Toora. The congregation recently closed and the building is being prepared for its next adventure. Marilyn noticed the beautiful communion table and so inquires were made as to its future and if the congregation at Paynesville could be its caretaker in the future. And so it was with a great deal of excitement and pleasure that we dedicated the cloth, together with the altar table, during our service of commemoration of All Saints, acknowledging the members of the former congregation of Toora, as well as a grandmother, loved legacies which will live on, and which are so very much appreciated. Thanks to Rev. Rosalie Rayment-Hewitt for leading the service.

Johnsonville 15th October 2023
On Sunday 15th October 2023, folk gathered from Melbourne, Bairnsdale, Paynesville and Traralgon to acknowledge 131 years of uninterrupted worship at Johnsonville Uniting Church. Service commenced at 2pm to enable visitors to travel, and the virtual service was conducted by Rev. Neil Peters of Glen Waverley Uniting Church, congregation of which applauded when Rev. Neil announced their longevity and achievement. During a break in the service, Chairperson, Peter Flahive, lit a candle in appreciation of the many past members, for their Christian legacy which they have passed on for our safe keeping and continuance. The congregation continues to worship on the first and third Sundays of the month, and will continue to use the Glen Waverley website for their worship. The service concluded with a photo opportunity, followed by a delicious afternoon tea catered by locals, which everyone enjoyed. Deb Bye, Presbytery Secretary, was an apology due to conducting the service at Stratford that day, but passed along her congratulations on behalf of Presbytery.

Mallacoota 8th October 2023
A big week end further east with St Peter’s (the CoOperating Parish of Croajinoglong) celebrating 50 years. Here’s an article from The Sun in 1973 (from St Peter’s Facebook page) and some pics taken today – View from the front of the church at 8.45 this morning; the cabinet made from the last of the pews out of the church, blessed by Bishop Richard Treloar. Cabinet was made by Mallacoota local, Bob Stevens; and the beautiful cake was made and decorated by local Church member, Kate Cowden.

Paynesville 8th October 2023
Paynesville Uniting Church special guest this morning was Pam Cracknell from the Bairnsdale UC congregation. Pam told us about Birthing Kits used overseas in some third world countries, along with the work of Wendy Flahive, leader at the Johnsonville UC Congregation, who has travelled to Kiribati, Indonesia numerous times, explaining women’s health and safety. This project also ties in with the Days for Girls project. Pam also mentioned that 2023 United Nations Wednesday, October 11th is International Day of the Girl Child.
We shared a wonderful lunch afterward the service.
for more information o n these projects
below – Pam explains the contents of the birthing kits

Paynesville – 4th July 2023
Paynesville Neighbourhood Centre staff and volunteers have been busy over the past few weeks preparing for the move of their Foodbank and Cooking programs to the new location – Uniting Church – Cnr KingSt and Langford Parade, Paynesville.
Foodbank customers and community members we invited to join in the cooking program – Cooking starts at 9.30am and Foodbank will be open from 10am-2pm!
*Please note – then Foodbank will only be operating one day per week (Tuesdays) at this stage.
If you, or anyone you know in the community is in need of food relief and is unable to attend on Tuesdays, please contact PNC on 5156 0214 and they will organise a hamper to be collected from PNC.
The Paynesville congregation is very excited to be able to assist this local community and vital organisation.

16th October 2022
Johnsonville Uniting Church Faith Community celebrated 130 years of Christian worship and witness at the little weatherboard church on the road to Lakes Entrance today.
Marilyn Cassidy from Standing Committee attended the service and congratulated them on behalf of Gippsland Presbytery, acknowledging that it has been tough over the past few years, but that they have weathered the challenges and continue to worship twice each month.
Glen Waverley Uniting Church, from which they draw their services online, also recognised this achievement and acknowledged it in prayer.
The service was followed by lunch, after a congregation selfie to mark the occasion.

20th March 2022 – Paynesville
The message was from Ezekiel- dry bones. Despite us being small, and struggling to exist, struggling with health issues etc. God said yes.

20th March 2022 – Bairnsdale
On Sunday March 20th, Bairnsdale Uniting Church held its monthly Messy Church. This month the activities were all focused on A-cross the world, where the activities were making our own cross from another country. It was a wonderful afternoon of activity followed by a wonderful meal of Zucchini Slice, Rissotto, and freshly baked hot Cross Buns from Stratford Bakery. Come along after the Easter School holidays on May 15th at 4.30pm. Everyone welcome.
Bairnsdale – A-Cross the World
Over the Lenten period until Easter 2022, the Bairnsdale Uniting Church, (9 Lanes Road, Lucknow) has a display of crosses from different countries in the world, some of which you can read about, and some are available for you to make for yourself. We invite you to come along on any Wednesday, Thursday Friday or Saturday when the church is open, or join us for worship at 9.30 am on Sunday mornings, or 5.00 pm on Sunday 10th April.
20th March 2022 – Fig Tree Project 3rd Anniversary
Lyn Goff from the Lakes Entrance team sent in a pic from their service this morning and says:
Although we are small in number, we spent time during worship thinking about what sort of manure/fertiliser in the firm of words and actions to help us feel ‘the best we can be’; which then helps us in our day to day discipleship to others.Our ‘fig tree’ was enhanced words written on leaves which we personally thought were important and helpful in spurning us on.

2nd March 2022
The site of the former Glenaladale Presbyterian Church once housed an old weatherboard building which had been used as a Presbyterian Church in Lucknow, originally built in 1891.

Inside what was previously the Glenaladale Presbyterian Church, being made ready for a wedding.
The building was moved to the Glenaladale site in 1960, but was later moved about 1990 to its present site in Ligar Street, where it is used as an Art Workshop.

The Bairnsdale Uniting Church has a strong reputation of community support, and so it seemed a very natural development to donate the land to the CFA, for the cost of transfer of title and conveyancing, for the purpose of complementing the present CFA building at the adjacent site.
The idea to transfer the land took hold back in April 2015. The block is situated on the Fernbank/Glenaladale Road and is 6500sqft – 607sqm, and has rural zoning.
By the time we made submissions to Presbytery, Synod, and then the CFA, solicitors in Melbourne became involved, and it was July 2016 before titles were finally transferred and the exchange was announced in a press release.
Bairnsdale Uniting Church have continued to support the Glenaladale CFA with donations: first to add equipment to their fire truck, secondly for the purchase of an air conditioning unit for the CFA shed – a welcome addition for the people who are waiting to keep us safe from fires on those 40o days.
On 2nd March 2022, Rev. Rosalie Rayment-Hewitt, husband John and Marilyn Cassidy, met with the brigade at their presentation night, where awards were given to various CFA members, demonstrating an aggregation of nearly 400 years of service within the CFA. Among the most auspicious presentations for the evening were 4 National medals which are awarded by the Governor General, General David Hurley, who unfortunately was not on hand to present these awards for diligence, among other aspects.
Rev. Rosalie presented the CFA with a donation of $500 on behalf of the Bairnsdale Uniting Church, which they are keen to use to purchase a much needed winch for their fire truck.

We all appreciate the sacrifices which the group make during our fire season, and it is always a pleasure to meet, chat and share a delicious supper with them all.

Written by Marilyn C. Cassidy.
SWIFTS CREEK – Sunday 6th March 2022
Big afternoon – we had a Service of Induction for Rev. Deacon Marian Bisset as Bush Chaplain in the Swifts Creek & Frontier Services High Country Remote Area Ministry – Uniting Church Presbytery of Gippsland at Swifts Creek Uniting Church & online!Here’s a few screen shots – more pics as they come in.

ORBOST – 27th January 2022
We had an outdoor service this morning, down at Marlo, on the banks of the Snowy River. Janette Osborne led the service and I played the music on my concertina. A card table was used as an altar. The theme was ‘boats’. The reading was from Luke 5: 1-11, Jesus calls the first disciples. The reflection was about choices, then we divided into 2 groups to make a paper boat. The songs included ‘Peter James and John in a sailboat’. At the end of the service we launched the boats in the Snowy for a race. Unfortunately ‘Holy Rollers’ beat ‘Hope’–Hope actually disintegrated! (‘Hope’ was my team’s purple boat). There were 11 there, which is about the number we would have had in church. We finished with lunch after the boat race–the weather was kind, not too hot and no rain.