Maffra 120th Anniversary 17 November 2024
Presbytery of Gippsland with the Maffra Uniting church celebrated 120yrs of worship in their building. Alice Morrison laid the foundation stone in 1904. Presbytery Chairperson Fee Morrison attended and took some pics.
Stratford 29th October 2023
The 5th Sunday of the month Ecumenical Service at St. Andrew’s (29 Oct) was led by Rev. Norman and Marjory Cameron it was a service of ‘The Fellowship of the Least Coin,’ which is an ecumenical organisation of aid to the underprivileged. A pleasant evening of worship and fellowship over supper, which was enjoyed by the 22 folk from our three local churches in attendance. Not only did we all bring along an item of nature to focus our thoughts on Global Warming, but also offerings of the least coin collected during the year. There was a large number of coins $110.80 ( 5kg!)and the offering plate collected $ 265 a total of $375.80 which has been forwarded to The Fellowship of the Least Coin Office Thank you to all involved.

19th November 2022
Induction Of Rev Joedy Meers to the Sale Congregation
This afternoon at St Columba’s in Sale, Rev Joedy Meers was inducted as minister to the Sale Congregation.

Maffra 1st April 2022
Maffra Uniting Church held its first street stall in over two years on Friday 1st April 2022. The weather was very ordinary but the support from our Maffra community was over-whelming. Our church family was fantastic in supplying delicious baked goods as well as home made jams relishes and sauces. There was such a great vibe and many people commented how happy they were to see us back after such a long absence. We made just over $2,000 in much needed funds – not bad for a morning’s work! More importantly though was giving our church a real presence in our local community. It really was a team effort!
20th March 2022 – Fig Tree Project 3rd Anniversary
Stratford members shared a plate of lovely fresh figs (with tongs of course!)