In November 2017, Deb accepted the position of part time Presbytery Secretary for the Uniting Church in Gippsland and also (in January 2018) accepted the role of Presbytery Minister, Administration.
In January 2019 (after the Major Strategic review) she was appointed to the new Resourcing Ministry role of Missional Support and also serves as Presbytery Secretary .
Deb has been a member of the Stratford Uniting Church since 1999 and serves as bookkeeper. Prior to working for the UCA, Deb was a journalist/broadcaster and station manager/CEO with 37 years in the field including 17 years with ABC Radio. She also served on various State and National Community Radio Boards.
Deb has conducted freelance accredited media training with Victoria University, conference and meeting facilitation and consultancy through her company, Manna Media. She has also recorded many family and community histories and has received several awards for her work in this area.
Deb is an inaugural Fellow of the Gippsland Community Leadership Program Alumni and served on the Board of the Gippsland Centre Against Sexual Assault (GCASA) – for ten years as President and a further five as Minute Secretary and was Secretary and a founding member of the Gippsland Women’s Network. She is also past president of the Victorian chapter of the Stratford’s of the World group.